6 Unexpected ways Juicing can Help Chronic Inflammation

Chronic inflammation is a serious health condition that plagues millions each year.  Research shows that inflammation becomes more and more probable the older we get (1).  Unfortunately, many will opt for Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) in order to combat this problem.  Research is clear that NSAIDs disrupt the gastrointestinal tract and can lead to severe long term health consequences (2).

Disrupting the gut flora of the microbiome is not something you want to do if you suffer with chronic inflammation.   This will only lead to further health problems.  In fact, many health experts will argue that chronic inflammation is a direct result of a dysfunctional gut.

It’s for this reason pharmaceutical drugs should not be taken if you suffer from chronic inflammation.  Inflammation is a sign that something internally is not right.  In order to fix this painful disorder, a diet of whole foods and raw juicing needs to be considered.

Raw juices are amazing for anyone dealing with an inflammatory condition.  They provide the body with an abundance of different elements which can help reduce inflammation significantly.  However, before we talk about juicing, let’s first discuss how diet can promote chronic inflammation.

How Diet Influences Chronic Inflammation

Diet plays an extremely important role when it comes to prevention of inflammatory conditions in the body.  Those following a standard American diet (SAD) will naturally consume high amounts of inflammatory foods.  Foods high in polyunsaturated fats such as cooking oils are the biggest culprits of inflammatory conditions in the body.

Researchers have found that there are higher levels of systematic inflammation in individuals who consume vegetable oils regularly than those who do not (3).

Removal of all vegetable oils such as canola, grape seed, corn, and safflower, is an absolute must.  These oils are typically rancid, toxic, and more prone to oxidation than any other oil.  Cooking with these vegetable oils creates a whole other issue and is a big no no if you’re dealing with chronic pain. 

The only two vegetable oils that are safe for consumption are olive oil and coconut oil.  However, olive oil should not be used for cooking since this causes rapid oxidization of the oil. On the contrary, coconut oil is extremely safe for cooking.

With that said, adopting a whole foods diet free from additives is the best solution for combating inflammatory conditions.  This means all sugar, processed foods, cooking oils, and packaged foods must be cut out of the diet.  Your diet should resemble that of which is found in nature and should contain simple foods.

This is the quickest and most effective way to reduce inflammation, correct the gut microbiome, and promote overall health.

coconut oil inflammation

The Top 6 Ways Juicing Helps Reduce Inflammation

As mentioned before, juicing is a powerful tool for combating inflammatory conditions in the body. Below you will find 6 reasons why raw juices are a lifesaver for anyone with chronic inflammatory conditions.  Also, our Juice Me Better Juicing Recipe Book contains several different recipes which are naturally anti-inflammatory.

1. Raw Green Juices High in Magnesium

Magnesium is an essential mineral needed for several different processes in the body.  In fact, several hundred different enzymatic processes are dependent on an adequate supply of magnesium.  As well as being important for enzymatic reactions in the body, magnesium has potent anti-inflammatory properties.

Studies show that oral supplementation of magnesium can reduce markers of inflammation in the body significantly (4). 

However, it’s best to get your magnesium from food sources.  Dark green leafy vegetables are the best sources of magnesium on the planet.  A raw green juice comprised of mostly leafy greens has potent anti-inflammatory effects on the body.  It’s for this reason that all juice recipes should contain at least 80% greens and herbs and only 20% fruit.

juicing for inflammation

2. Full of Protective Antioxidants

We all know antioxidants are vital for health but many fail to consume enough.  If you’re suffering with chronic inflammation, antioxidants can help tremendously.  This is because antioxidants help protect the body against free radicals which can cause inflammatory conditions in the body.

In fact, natural antioxidants present in whole foods have been proven to help combat systematic inflammation in the body (5).

Simply juicing sour fruits and berries is the best way to increase the antioxidant content of any raw juice.  Raw greens are also naturally high in anti-inflammatory antioxidants.

3. Reduces Inflammation in the Gut

Many are unaware that intestinal inflammation can cause inflammation in the body (6).  Overuse of antibiotics, poor diet, and pathogenic overgrowths are the main cause of intestinal inflammation.

Luckily, raw green juices are extremely healing and soothing for the intestines.  This is because green juices contain no anti-nutrients or fiber which can irritate an already inflamed gut.  This gives the gut opportunity to heal and can reduce intestinal inflammation significantly.  Juicing herbs with anti-inflammatory properties such as ginger is also a great strategy for reducing chronic inflammation.

juicing inflammation

4. Provides the Body with Essential Trace Minerals

Trace minerals are need on a daily basis in order for the body to function properly.  Unfortunately, the general population is severely deficient in trace minerals due to poor diet.  When the body becomes low in trace minerals, symptoms such as inflammation typically occur.

Juicing each and every day will provide the body an abundance of trace minerals which can help restore depleted mineral reserves.  Consequently, this leads to better health and further protection against inflammation.  For best results, consume at least 2 raw juices a day.

5. Detoxifies the Body

Detoxification is extremely important for anyone dealing with inflammation.  Many suffering from various health conditions often have poor detoxification.  The best way to increase detoxification pathways in the body is by stimulating the lymphatic system.  Walking, stretching, and deep breathing are the best exercises for stimulating the lymphatic system.

Raw green juices can also help detox the body.  In fact, many will juice fast for a day just for this purpose.  Raw foods contain live enzymes which help the body work more effectively and efficiently.  This results in better detoxification capabilities.

6. Powerful Chelation Properties 

Heavy metal toxicity is always an issue of concern for anyone dealing with chronic inflammation.  Metals such as lead have been shown to increase several inflammatory markers in the body (7).  Unfortunately, ridding heavy metals from the body can be challenging.

Luckily herbs such as cilantro have powerful chelation properties which can help expel heavy metals from the body (8).  Adding a bunch of cilantro into you raw juice recipes can make for a powerful raw juice.

cilantro heavy metal


Consuming a whole foods diet devoid of industrialized foods is the quickest way to combat inflammation in the body.  Removal of all inflammatory cooking oils is an absolute must in order to reduce inflammation.

In combination with good diet, juicing everyday can protect against inflammatory conditions in the body.  This is mainly due to the high mineral, vitamin, phytochemical, and antioxidant content found in all fruits and vegetables.

For those new to juicing, our comparison and buyers guide page can help you find the perfect home juicer no matter what your budget may be.  Investing in a home juicer is extremely helpful for anyone looking to combat inflammation naturally in the body.  This also allows the individual to choose the best ingredients based on their specific health goals.

There really is no better way to promote health and vitality in the body than fresh raw juice!