5 Amazing Ways Juicing can Help Acne | Juice Me Better

There is nothing more annoying than stubborn acne.  As well as being a nuisance, this condition is also extremely embarrassing.  Unfortunately, a good chunk of the population suffers from this condition daily.

Hormonal issues and poor diet are typically the main cause of acne.  Sadly, the majority of the population eats an extremely inflammatory diet.  High inflammatory diets promote inflammation of the skin and cause hormonal imbalances in the body.  Luckily, there are several natural strategies that can help improve acne conditions.

Eating a whole foods diet is the quickest way to reduce inflammation and balance hormones.  This means dropping the standard American diet, and replacing it with whole organic foods.  Below is a small list of foods that are highly inflammatory and can contribute to conditions such as acne.

  • Vegetable oils (corn, safflower, grape seed, canola)
  • Fried foods
  • White sugar
  • Processed foods
  • Highly processed wheat products

It’s important to understand that acne is a symptom of inflammation in the body.  When inflammatory foods are removed from the diet, acne typically clears up.

As well as eating a whole foods diet, juicing every day is extremely beneficial for lowering inflammation in the body.  In fact, raw juices are mandatory if you wish to have radiant health and glowing skin.

The Power of Juicing

Raw juices contain a broad spectrum of essential minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants.  These nutrients promote healing in the body and combat inflammation.  In fact, fresh green juice contains an abundance of phytochemicals which can help improve acne conditions dramatically.

Those who juice religiously every day always notice dramatic skin improvements.  The skin begins to glow and the eyes naturally become brighter.  This phenomenon is easily seen when the physical appearance of long term raw juice consumers are observed.  This is because juicing concentrates high amounts of nutrients in a highly bioavailable drink.  These nutrients help build the body from the inside and out and contribute to amazing skin health.

juicing for acne

To learn more about juicing, be sure to read our page on why you need to start juicing today! 

Also, for those interested in home juicers, our comparison page of the best juicers for any budget can help point you in the right direction.  It’s important that you read this page before buying a juicer.  This will ensure you get the best possible deal for your hard earned money.

Top 5 Ways Juicing helps Acne

Below is a list of the top 5 ways juicing can help improve acne.  All juice recipes should contain 70% dark leafy greens, 20 % fruit, and 10% herbs.  This ratio has the most beneficial effect on the body.  It also doesn’t cause spikes in sugar levels that can contribute to hormonal acne.

1. High Source of Chlorophyll

Raw Juices that contain dark leafy greens will be abundant in chlorophyll.  Chlorophyll helps build the blood and is a potent anti-inflammatory (1).  Acne sufferers can benefit immensely by consuming more chlorophyll rich foods.

However, raw green juices are the best sources of chlorophyll on the planet.  Raw juice contains no hard to digest fiber which can cause intestinal inflammation.  They are also extremely low in anti-nutrients which are highly inflammatory.  It’s for this reason that raw green juices are extremely useful for those with skin inflammation.

The greener the juice is, the more chlorophyll it will naturally contain. Consequently, the base of all raw juice recipes should be dark leafy greens.

juicing acne

2. Helps Reduce Intestinal Inflammation

Intestinal Inflammation is one of the reasons many suffer from problematic acne (2).  Although there are many different symptoms associated with intestinal inflammation, acne is extremely common.  Poor diet and antibiotic overuse is the main cause of this type of inflammation in the body.

Luckily, raw juices can help soothe the digestive tract and assist in intestinal healing.  All raw juices will contain high amounts of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that can help regenerate the body.  In fact, after several weeks of juicing, it’s not uncommon to experience improved digestion.  With that said, raw juices can help reduce inflammation in the intestines.  A reduction in intestinal inflammation often results in clear skin and reduced flare ups of acne.


3. An Excellent Source of Magnesium

Magnesium is recognized as “The Master Mineral” by many health experts.  Several hundred different processes in the body are dependent on an adequate supply of magnesium.  Being low in this mineral can result in several dysfunctions in the body.  In particular, low magnesium levels in the body is associated with inflammatory skin conditions such as acne (3).

Dark Green vegetables are an excellent source of magnesium.  Juicing several servings of these types of vegetables is a great way to boost magnesium levels in the body.  Herbs such as cilantro and parsley are also great sources of magnesium.  As well as containing magnesium, herbs contain medicinal properties which can help fight infection in the body.

In fact, many of the recipes in our Juice Me Better Juicing Recipe Book contain an abundance of minerals such as magnesium!

juicing for acne

4. Contains Potent Phytochemicals

The majority of the population is deficient in phytochemicals.  Luckily, phytochemicals are abundant in all plants and fruits.  These phytochemicals help protect the body against infection and can be beneficial for problematic acne.

Herbs are the richest source of phytochemicals when compared to any other plant food.  It’s for this reason that all raw juice recipes should contain at least 10% herbs.  Herbs also can fight against pathogenic overgrowths in the gut.  Fungal overgrowths such as candida can cause symptoms such as skin inflammation and acne (4).  Incorporating herbs into every juice recipe is the best way to fight against candida.

5. Amazing Source of Antioxidants

It’s not surprising that antioxidants can be extremely beneficial for treating acne.  In fact, the high antioxidant content found within all raw juices is the main reason individuals experience glowing skin after several weeks of juicing.  Unfortunately, most of the population is extremely deficient in antioxidants.

Furthermore, research indicates that antioxidants protect against free radical damage in the body (5).  As a result, antioxidants play an important role in healthy aging and longevity.  Dark fruits and vegetables will typically contain the most antioxidants and should be utilized freely in all juice recipes.  It’s also important to frequently rotate your juice recipes so that a whole spectrum of antioxidants is obtained.