10 Tips to Improve Weight Loss While Juicing | Juice Me Better

Juicing is an extremely effect tool for those looking to lose weight.  Raw juices provide the body with essential nutrients that are required for healthy weight loss.  In fact, many celebrities are now jumping on the juicing bandwagon in order to lose weight.

Unfortunately, many who juice daily fail to lose unwanted belly fat and weight.  There are several factors which can contribute to this inability to lose weight while juicing.  Fortunately, we’ve compiled a least of the top 10 tips for fast and effective weight loss while juicing.  These tips can jump start your weight loss and help promote fat loss.

Also, for those new to juicing, be sure to check out our comparison and buyers guide page for the best juicers on any budget.  You will definitely want to check this page out before you spend your hard earned cash on a sub-par juicer.

The top 10 Juicing Tips for Weight Loss

1. Consume More Greens than Fruits

The biggest problem when it comes to juicing is the over-consumption of fruits instead of greens.  Those new to juicing typically only juice sweet fruits.  This is problematic because sweet fruits are loaded full of sugar.  This sugar will spike glucose levels in the body which can contribute to fat gain, metabolic disorders, and the inability to lose weight (1).  Spiking glucose levels needs to be avoided at all costs for both overall health and weight loss.

Instead, begin to juice more dark leafy greens.  Dark leafy greens contain no sugar and will not spike glucose levels in the body.  Also, they’re extremely high in trace minerals which can aid the body in fat loss.  Furthermore, dark leafy greens are an excellent source of the blood building chlorophyll.  Chlorophyll helps remove waste from the body and can improve bodily functions.  As a rule of thumb, always make sure your raw juices contain at least 70% dark leafy greens.

dark leafy greens weight loss

2. Chew Your Juice

A big downfall of juicing is most will skip the chewing process and quickly gulp the drink down.  Unfortunately, chewing is part of the body’s digestive process.  By chewing, we release an enzyme called amylase which attaches to the food and helps break it down further in the stomach (2).

By simply gulping down raw juices we skip an important part in the body’s digestive process and hinder our absorption.  Simply swishing the juice around your mouth before swallowing is a great way mix amylase with the juice.  This will lead to better nutrient absorption and better digestion of the juice.  This can all lead to faster weight loss and increased fat burning.

3. Rotate your Recipes

It’s mandatory that you rotate all your juice recipes.  This will ensure that you get a wide spectrum of nutrients which can all help in the weight loss process.  By only consuming one juice recipe, you are effectively shorting your body of different nutrients needed for weight loss.

A simply and effective strategy to follow is to consume two different juice recipes a day.  This will ensure that your body is receiving a wide array of nutrients which can aid in the weight loss process.  Also, using our Juice Me Better Juicing Recipe Book is a great way to incorporate different types of juices into your diet.

4. Consume a Whole Foods Diet

All the juicing in the world won’t do you any good if your diet is still awful.  Many look to juicing as a “quick fix” and become disappointed when they don’t lose weight.  This is because a proper diet must be in place in order for juicing to be effective.

This means cutting out all sugar, processed foods, and inflammatory vegetable oils.  Also, a whole foods diet, such as one which would be found in nature, is a must in order for juicing to be effective.  Many processed foods contain dietary emulsifiers which can trigger metabolic disorders and obesity (3). For this reason, all foods that you consume should be in their natural form.

whole foods diet weight loss

5. Eat Enough Protein

Making sure you eat enough protein while juicing is crucial for fast and effective weight loss.  Protein is naturally metabolic and stimulates fat burning in the body (4).  When protein levels are low in the body, weight loss and fat loss comes to a halt.  Juicing is an amazing source of trace minerals and vitamins but is deficient in protein.

It’s for this reason that protein must be obtained from other sources other than juicing.  When adequate protein is consumed in the body, juicing can more effectively burn fat and aid in weight loss.

6. Don’t Starve Yourself

Starving oneself is not an effective strategy for losing weight.  Immediate results may occur in the beginning, but over time the body will begin to regain this weight.  This is because the body will slow down its metabolic rate.

In order to keep metabolic rate up, you must not starve yourself.  Eating balanced whole food meals in combination with juicing is the best way to keep metabolic rate high.  Low calorie diets are never the solution when trying to lose weight.

7. Eat Magnesium Rich Foods

Magnesium is needed for over 300 enzymatic processes in the body (5).  Being deficient in this crucial mineral will result in several bodily dysfunctions.  Having good digestion is dependent on an adequate supply of magnesium in the body.  When digestion is good in the body, weight loss is effortless.

Dark leafy greens are an excellent source of magnesium.  It’s for this reason that dark greens should make up the base of all your green juices. Simply consuming raw green juices daily is the best way to boost magnesium levels in the body naturally.

juicing magnesium

8. Move Daily

Doing simple movements such as walking, gardening, and stretching are great for weight loss.  Unlike vigorous exercise, these types of movements are extremely soothing to the nervous system.  In fact, most exercise promoted by mainstream sources will actually add stress to the body.

If the body is over worked and stressed out, cortisol levels will be high.  High cortisol levels in the body are associated with difficulty losing weight (6).  Focusing on soothing movements is an excellent way to lower cortisol levels and kick start your fat burning capabilities.

9. Improve your Microbiome

Improving your gut microbiome is the quickest way to lose weight.  In fact, research shows that an altered microbiome can cause the inability to lose weight (7).  Eating a whole foods diet is the best way to correct a dysfunctional microbiome and promote weight loss in the body.

Foods that are high in prebiotics such as raw greens are excellent for feeding the good microbes in the gut.  Fermented foods are also an excellent option for increasing the amount of good bacteria in gut.

10. Increase your Trace Minerals Intake

The majority of the population is deficient in trace minerals.  Trace minerals help the body function at optimal performance. Deficiencies in trace minerals results in low energy levels and poor health. Increasing your trace mineral intake gives the body the energy it needs to lose weight.

Luckily, raw green juices are one of the best sources of trace minerals.  The trace minerals in raw juice are extremely bioavailable and quickly absorbed by the body.  For best results, consume at least two raw juices a day.