The Amazing Benefits of Wheatgrass | Juice Me Better

If you’ve never heard of wheatgrass, than you need to learn about this amazing grass.  There are millions of testimonials of wheatgrass healing several different diseases and dysfunctions in the body.  In fact, many will go on a wheatgrass juice only diet in order to saturate the body with its beneficial compounds.

For those with home juicers, wheatgrass can be juiced daily and incorporated into several different healing juice recipes.

However, many are unaware of the health benefits that this amazing grass can bring to the body.  Also, many may not even know what wheatgrass is!

Luckily, below you will find everything you need to know about this beneficial green grass.  If you’re new to this green grass and want to learn more about its amazing health benefits, be sure to keep reading below!

What is Wheatgrass?

Despite the name, wheatgrass does not contain any wheat.  This means it’s considered safe for those allergic to gluten.

Wheatgrass is the sprout of wheat.  It’s full of essential vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and antioxidants.  It’ also free of the toxic compounds and anti-nutrients that are found in most mature plants.  This is because wheatgrass is a sprout and all sprouts have not had the opportunity to develop toxic chemicals that help protect them from predators.

This dark green grass looks extremely similar to the grass that grows on your lawn.  However, it’s full of amazing elements that can help boost the overall health of the body.

wheatgrass health benefits

5 Amazing Health Benefits of Wheatgrass

1. Wheatgrass Contains Chlorophyll

Wheatgrass is an amazing source of natural chlorophyll.  In fact, no other food on the planet besides algae contains as much chlorophyll as this amazing grass.  If you’re unaware, chlorophyll is almost identical to human blood and offers immense health benefits.

Research shows that chlorophyll is a powerful anti-inflammatory making it great for those with inflammatory conditions (1).  Also, due to its similar structure to that of human blood, chlorophyll can be great for combating blood disorders in the body.  This green pigment is great for building strong healthy blood and fighting against various diseases in the body.

Interestingly, chlorophyll has powerful anti-cancer properties and can be a great option for any looking to protect themselves from sickness and disease (2).

Chlorophyll is also naturally bound to the mineral magnesium.  This is important since the majority of the general population suffer from a magnesium deficiency.  In fact, a study found that almost half the population suffered from sub-optimal levels of magnesium in the body (3).  This is extremely alarming because magnesium is needed for optimal health.  Over 300 enzymatic processes within the body are dependent on the mineral magnesium.

Fortunately, juicing wheatgrass daily will provide the body with an abundance of magnesium that can help restore depleted levels in the body.

2. Excellent Source of Antioxidants

Antioxidants are extremely important for healthy aging in the body.  Most of the population does not receive enough antioxidants in their diet due to poor food choices.  Luckily, wheatgrass is one of the highest antioxidant foods on the planet!

Juicing this small grass daily in your home juicer can provide the body with an extremely high concentration of antioxidants.  In fact, research shows that the antioxidant content in wheatgrass is much higher than that found in typical vegetables (4).  It’s for this reason that fresh wheatgrass juice can benefit the body in ways that normal fruits and vegetables cannot.

Also, antioxidants help protect the body from free radical damage (5).  Free radical damage in the body is one of the biggest causes of premature aging.  Making sure you get enough antioxidants daily through fresh raw juices is essential for protection against these free radicals.

Unfortunately, both environmental pollution and pollution within the food supply can contribute to free radical damage in the body.  This is why it’s important that you always choose organic and consume fresh raw juices daily.  Fresh raw juice can help the body detoxify from free radical causing substances and are extremely beneficial in today’s world.

chlorophyll health benefits

3. Full of Trace Minerals

Having an adequate supply of trace minerals in the body at all times is crucial for good health.  Being low in any trace mineral can cause several disorders in the body that typically get misdiagnosed.  Unfortunately, this usually results in individuals taking a medication for a disorder caused by a simple mineral deficiency.

In fact, it’s been proven in studies that mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression can be corrected with magnesium supplementation (6). 

Fortunately, Wheatgrass if full trace minerals that can help correct mineral deficiencies in the body.  As mentioned before, it contains high amounts of the mineral magnesium.  However, it also contains large amounts of calcium, phosphorous, zinc, copper, manganese, and molybdenum.  These minerals play an essential role in human health and are essential for a healthy and vibrant body.

Also, to naturally help boost mineral content in the body, we highly recommend you try out our Juice Me Better Recipe Book for amazing mineral rich recipes!

4. Helps Detox the Body

It’s not surprise that wheatgrass can detox the body extremely well.  This is mainly due to its high chlorophyll content.  As mentioned before, chlorophyll is extremely efficient at detoxing the body and removing waste from the body.

However, it also has powerful phytochemicals that can help eliminate pathogenic bacteria in the gut.  With that said, wheatgrass is excellent for anyone embarking on a juice cleanse or wanting to detox the body quickly.  It also goes great with any juice recipe you can think of and goes extremely well with herbs such as ginger and cilantro.

wheatgrass juice benefits

5. Helps Fight SIBO

Small intestinal bacteria overgrowth is a serious problem among the general population.  In fact, many suffer from pathogenic overgrowths such as candida without even knowing.  SIBO can manifest in many different ways but common symptoms are bloating, loose stools, constipation, low stomach acid, food sensitivities, and IBS.

Luckily, it’s  full of amazing SIBO fighting properties and can help eliminate the gut of pathogenic bacteria and fungus.  This is due to the high phytochemical content present in wheatgrass.  Many find that digestion and bloating improves dramatically after juicing wheatgrass for several weeks.  However, it’s not uncommon to feel worse initially as the body begins to eliminate toxic waste and bacteria. 

Just be sure to stick it out and listen to your body.  If the detox is too much, simply reduce your serving of wheatgrass juice and slowly work your way up to higher doses.

Fresh Wheatgrass vs. Powder

It’s no surprise that freshly juiced wheatgrass is going to be more powerful than wheatgrass juice powder sold in most health food stores.  It’s for this reason that having a home juicer is essential for your long term health goals.  This gives you the freedom of creating your own healing juice recipes based on your individual needs.  You will also save money in the long run. Buying powders and raw juices from the store can be extremely expensive.

However, if buying a home juicer is not possible at this time, there are several wheatgrass juice powders that are of great quality.  In particular, Dr. Berg’s wheatgrass juice powder is extremely potent and is the next best thing instead of fresh wheatgrass juice.  Dr. Berg’s wheatgrass powder is grown on mineral rich soil beds and contains a wide array of beneficial minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and phytochemicals.

Whether you choose to juice your own wheatgrass, or buy a powder, both can offer immense health benefits towards the body!