The Best Green Powder that Actually Works? Organifi Green Juice

If you landed on this page, chances are you already know the amazing health benefits juicing can bring to the body.  Unfortunately, juicing can be extremely expensive and can put a serious dent in your wallet when done daily.

Heck, it’s not uncommon to spend over one-hundred dollars a week in juice ingredients alone!

For the common folk, this is not doable or economical.  Yet, the benefits of raw juices are apparent; which is why many are willing to drop huge chunks of money in order to reap the benefits.

However, there is simpler way to achieve all the benefits of raw juices without going broke.  In fact, you don’t even need a juicer!


What is Organifi Green Juice?

For those unaware, Organifi Green Juice is a powdered super greens formula that provides the body with all the same benefits that juicing does.  In fact, it can be argued that Organifi Green Juice contains more beneficial elements than raw juices.

Unlike, most green powders on the market, Organifi Green Juice always comes fresh and mixes extremely well in water.  There is absolutely no clumping and it mixes extremely well in both drinks, juices, and smoothies.

Best of all, all the ingredients in this formula are certified organic and of the outmost quality. 

There are absolutely no fillers, binders, or synthetic ingredients in this product

Organifi Green Juice is 100 percent natural!

What is in Organifi Green Juice?

Organifi Green Juice comes with a whole host of quality ingredients that help better serve your body.  However, Organifi contains much more than just greens; it also contains powerful medicinal herbs which can help correct and balance hormones in the body.

Below is a list of some of the powerful greens and herbs that can be found in Organifi.

Organic Wheat Grass

A powerful super green that has the ability to detox the body on both the physical and cellular level.  Wheat grass is one of the highest sources of chlorophyll in the world.  It’s well known that chlorophyll is almost identical to human blood making it a great blood builder.

Organic Moringa

Moringa is an ancient Ayurveda secret that has been used for centuries in order to boost energy and reduce fatigue in the body.  It’s quite possibly one of the most nutrient dense plant foods in the entire world.  It contains both a wide array of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids which can help boost overall health of the body.

organifi green juice

Organic Micro-Algae

Organifi contains both spirulina and chlorella.  These micro-algae’s contain amazing detoxification capabilities and have been used extensively for heavy metal detox.  In fact, one study found that chlorella has a positive effect on removing heavy metals from the body such as cadmium (1).  It should be mentioned that both spirulina and chlorella are great source of the omega 3 DHA.

Organic Ashwagandha

This powerful Ayurvedic herb has been used for centuries in order to combat fatigue and decrease feelings of anxiety and depression.  It can be an excellent herb for those under immense amounts of stress and tends to have a positive effect on sleep due to its calming effects.  It’s also been shown to help improve the function of the thyroid (2).

Organic Turmeric

Turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory and is great for improving overall digestion.  It’s powerful anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties make it great for combating the growth of pathogens in the body.  Turmeric is an overall amazing herb for preserving the health and integrity of the body.

Matcha Green Tea

Matcha is packed full of powerful antioxidants which can help protect the body from free radical damage.  It natural improves mood and can enhance an individual’s concentration.  Best of all, this amazing leaf can boost metabolism and increase fat burning in the body!

Gently Dried and Not Overly Heated

All ingredients found with Organifi Green Juice are gently dried and not overly heated.  This helps preserve the delicate elements found within this formula which can be degrade at high heat.

The drying process used by the manufactures of Organifi also helps increase the bio-availability of the nutrients found within in this product.

This ensures that you get a fresh and potent product each and every time.  In fact, the overall freshness and crisp taste of Organifi is extremely apparent when trying this product.

Why Should I take Organifi Green Juice?

organifi green juiceWhether your goal is weight loss, increased energy, better focus, detoxification, mood enhancement, or a healthier body, Organifi Green Juice has you covered!

It was specifically formulated in order improve all aspects of the human body and can be great for both mental and physical health.  It’s not uncommon for many to report increased fat loss and improved energy levels after just a few weeks use of Organifi Green Juice.

The absorbability and quality of the ingredients found in Organifi Green Juice is unsurpassed when compared to any other whole food supplement on the market.

Don’t waste your money on low quality products that are full of harmful synthetic ingredients and fillers.  Organifi Green Juice is recognized by your body as food and is easily absorbed and utilized.


The following can be obtained from taking Organifi Green Juice Daily:

  • Better Immune System Health
  • Improved Energy Levels
  • Better Mood
  • Weight Loss
  • Improve Detoxification
  • Enhanced Concentration
  • Better Athletic Performance

Where to Buy Organifi Green Juice

Due to demand, Organifi Green Juice is extremely difficult to find.  Luckily, suppliers have begun to stock up due to the increased demand for this amazing product.

However, there is no way to know how long supplies will last.  In fact, many will purchase upwards to 3 containers of Organifi just for this reason.

If you’re interested in purchasing Organifi Green Juice, we highly recommend you go to The Organifi Shop for all of your green juice needs.  Also, for 15% off your Organifi purchase, use the coupon code MARKS15 at your checkout!

We highly urge you to act now if you would like to reap the health benefits of this super green formula.  Supplies are limited and may not last. 

Organifi Does Not Replace Good Nutrition

As mentioned before on this website, plant foods are deficient in essential nutrients that are required for optimal health.  These nutrients can only be found in high quality animal foods which is why we do not promote vegan or vegetarian diets.

Organifi should always be taken in tandem with diet rich in high quality animal foods and fats.  Animal foods play an extremely important role in the health of the body and should not be shunned.  Likewise, plant foods can help cleanse the body which is why having a balance between both plant foods and animal foods in the diet can be beneficial.