Juice Me Better | Frequently Asked Questions about Juicing

Q. Can you juice every day?

Absolutely! In fact, it’s recommended that you consume at least two fresh raw juices a day in order to get the full health benefits. Just be sure to constantly rotate through different juice recipes so that a full spectrum of nutrients can be obtained.  For those interested, Our Juice Me Better Juicing Recipe Book contains several different recipes that can help you obtain a wide array of nutrients.

Q. Should I juice with meals?

Juice should be done separately and not consumed with meals. By consuming the raw juice alone you are giving your digestive system a better opportunity to fully absorb the vital nutrients found within the juice. Combining raw juices with meals often hinders absorption and is counterproductive towards health.

Q. Can you lose weight by juicing?

Absolutely! Juicing helps lower inflammation in the digestive system and allows the gut to function more efficiently. This is results in weight loss and overall better nutrient absorption from the foods in which you eat.

Q. Is it better to juice or blend?

Both have their benefits. However, juicing removes all the hard to digest fiber which often causes intestinal inflammation and poor nutrient absorption. Also, juicing helps remove anti-nutrients found within many raw vegetables so that key minerals can be properly absorbed without binding to anti-nutrients such as oxalates, lectins, phytates, and saponins.

Q. What is the best juicer on the market?

There are several great juicers on the market that can help you obtain your health goals. However, some are more reliable, efficient, smoother, and better built than others. Buying a juicer should be a onetime deal and should be looked at as an investment. For more information on the best juicers on the market, be sure to visit our homepage.

Can diabetics consume raw juices?

Yes, Definitely! However, it’s imperative that green vegetables make up the base of all your juice recipes. Juice recipes predominantly fruit based will spike insulin levels in the body due to lack of fiber. It’s for this reason that juices should be compromised of 70% green vegetables, 20% fruits, and 10% herbs.

Q. Is it healthy to juice?

Yes, juicing can be unbelievably healthy for the body if done correctly. Green juices provide the body with an abundance of trace minerals that are essential for optimal health. However, you should not try to live entirely on juicing alone. There are many essential vitamins that cannot be obtained through only fruits and vegetables. It’s for this reason that a whole foods diet is recommended in combination with juicing.

Q. What juice to drink to lose weight?

Any type of juicing recipe will help you in your weight loss journey. Fruits and vegetables that naturally contain a lot of water are excellent for weight loss since they hydrate the body on the cellular level. However, juicing alone can only take weight loss so far. A healthy whole foods diet in combination with juicing is the best strategy for fast and effortless weight loss.

Q. Should I do a juice cleanse?

Juice cleanses can be extremely beneficial for anyone coming from a standard American Diet (SAD). Juice cleanses can help heal any intestinal inflammation which is common in those following a standard American Diet. Intestinal inflammation and gut permeability is one of the main causes of both physical and mental aliments. With that said, juice cleanses should not be done long term in order to avoid nutrient deficiencies. Always consult with a medical professional before undergoing any type of juice fast.

Q. Does a juice cleanse help you lose weight?

Yes, juice cleanses can definitely help with weight loss. It gives the digestive system a much needed break and allows the body to focus on healing. Since not as many calories be consumed while undergoing a juice fast, weight loss will naturally result. Once the juice fast is over, the digestive system will be in much better shape to break down foods more efficiently.

Q. How many days should you do a juice cleanse for?

This is entirely up to you. As mentioned before, long term juice fasts are not recommended since they are deficient in essential nutrients that are required for human health. With that said, standard juice fasts typically last anywhere from 2-3 days. It’s important that you go easy on your body and be sure to listen to the feedback it’s giving you. If the juice fast is too intense be sure to back off and try again at a later time. Also, it’s important that you consult with medical professional before going on any type of juice fast.

Q. Is juicing better than smoothies?

In our opinion, juicing is much more superior when compared to smoothies. Smoothies do not remove the fibrous material and anti-nutrients found within raw plant foods like juicers do. As result, nutrient absorption from smoothies will be far less when compared to fresh raw juices. Also, juicing tends to be more hydrating to the body when compared to smoothies. Hydration is a key factor when optimal health is looking to be achieved.

Q. Which is better, vegetables or fruit?

When it comes to juicing, dark green vegetables are much more beneficial than compared to fruits. Green vegetables contain an abundance of trace minerals such as calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium. These 4 minerals play an extremely important role in hydrating the body on the cellular level. Green vegetables also contain chlorophyll. Chlorophyll has been shown to be almost identical to human blood and is extremely effective at oxygenated the body. Lastly, green vegetables do not contain high amounts of sugar like fruit and do not cause unwanted spikes in blood sugar levels.

Q. Is green juice really good for you?

Green juice is amazing for you! Green juices can give you the benefits of green vegetables without the digestive issues which often come with consuming such foods. They’re also full of essential trace minerals and antioxidants which can help bolster health dramatically.

Q. Can you Juice Herbs?

Yes, definitely! In fact, we recommend that at 10% of your juice contains some type of herb. Herbs help eradicate pathogenic overgrowths in the gut which can contribute to weight gain and several health problems. Ginger, parsley and cilantro are some of our favorites!

Q. Are green smoothies the same as green juices?

 No. Green smoothies will most likely contain a high amount of anti-nutrients such as oxalates. Anti-nutrients can contribute to intestinal inflammation and bind to essential minerals in the gut. It’s for this reason that anti-nutrients should always be kept low in the diet. However, unlike green smoothies, green juices from a juicer will contain close to zero anti-nutrients and the minerals are readily available for the body to absorb.

Q. Is it OK to eat raw greens?

Although we love green juices, big salads that contain raw greens should not be consumed regularly. If you want greens, lightly steaming or cooking will reduce the anti-nutrient content found within these foods dramatically. This frees up the minerals and vitamins so that the body is able to properly utilize the nutrients found within these foods.

Q. Can bananas be juiced in a juicer?

Although bananas are delicious, they aren’t the best fruit to juice. This is because of its low water content. Fruits and vegetables with high water content make the best juices.

Q. Can I use frozen fruits and vegetables for juicing?

Yes, definitely! However, be sure to allow the fruits and vegetables to thaw out before juicing. This will return the water content back to normal and will juice much more effectively.

Q. Can I juice fruits and vegetables that have gone bad?

Fruits and vegetables that have expired are best thrown into the compost. The enzyme activity and nutrient content in rotten fruits and vegetables will be extremely low. You also risk getting sick; stick to fresh fruits and vegetables.

Q. How long do juices stay good for?

Raw Juices should be consumed the same day that they are made. As soon as raw juice is made, the enzyme activity begins to degrade. It’s for this reason that you should consume the juice immediately after it’s made. This will ensure you get the full enzyme activity that is so beneficial for overall health.

Q. Who shouldn’t Juice?

No one! Juicing is incredible for the body and everyone can benefit from consuming fresh raw juices each and every day!