Are You Showering in Toxic Water? Why Shower Filters are Essential for Health

There once was a time when clean water was a right and not just a privilege.  Don’t be fooled, that crystal clear water that comes out of the shower head in your home isn’t as clean as you may think.

We won’t even get into how this “clean water” runs through miles of rusted, filthy, and outdated pipes before even reaching your home.  Not to mention it’s a proven fact the infrastructure and piping in which all our water runs through is completely falling apart.

However, this is only one small reason why the liquid coming from your pipes is toxic.  The main reason almost all tap water is toxic is due to the high amounts of man-made chemicals that are put in the water for your “health and safety.”

In this post we will get into what chemicals are being put into your water and what you can do to help remove them.

Why Chemicals are Put in the Water

Many may be wondering why its mandated that all water be treated with certain chemicals before being released to the public.

One of the reasons is to discourage the growth of pathogenic bacteria which is often present in the miles of outdated piping.  As result, the use of chemicals such as chlorine, chloramines, aluminum, and sodium fluorosilicate are added to the water.

Also, let’s not forget that fluoride is routinely added to the water supply in order to “build strong healthy bones and teeth.” 

All of these chemicals are said to be put in your water supply in order to protect your health.  Unfortunately, further research into these chemicals shows that they’re extremely toxic to the human body.

Do you really think putting rat poison (fluoride) in the water is going to build strong bones and teeth?  It should be mentioned that many of these chemicals can have a negative effect on the skin as well.

Chloramines and Chlorine

When showering in unfiltered water, both chloramines and chlorine can have an extremely negative effect on the skin.  Both of these chemicals are added to the water in order to serve as disinfectants and to neutralize pathogenic bacteria.

Chlorine is what you typically find in swimming pools.  Unfortunately, for anyone who has spent time in public pools, chlorine can be very drying and damaging to the skin.  In fact, many chronic skin conditions can be a direct result of the chlorine in the water.

The use of chloramines can also be extremely damaging the skin.  Chloramines are a combination of both chlorine and ammonia.  They are typically the preferred method for treating water since it does not dissipate from the water like chlorine and keeps water free from pathogens much longer.

It’s well known that if you put a fish in straight tap water, it will soon die.  This is due to the toxic chemicals present in the water.  Yet, millions of individuals each day bathe themselves in these chemicals and think nothing of it.

More Research On The Chemicals Added to The Water

Many “experts and officials” will make the claim that these chemicals occur in such small amounts that they pose no risk to our health.  If you believe this, than you also believe that eating rat poison (fluoride) in small amounts everyday will have no effect on your health. 

Can you see the madness that comes with thinking in this manner?

Interestingly, there are scientific studies showing the disastrous effects both chloramines and chlorine can have on the body. 

One study showed that there was a link between bladder cancer and chlorinated and chloraminated drinking water (1)(2).  Furthermore, another study showed a link between chlorination and both rectal and bladder cancer (3).

Also, there has been research showing that byproducts in the drinking water can cause poor reproductive health (4). 

Knowing this, it should be mandatory that all water is pre-filtered and removed of these toxic substances before entering the homes of the public.  Sadly, this is not the case and individuals are forced to pay for their own home filtration system in order obtain safe useable water.

The Skin Absorbs Everything!

It’s important to understand that the skin is the largest organ of the body.  In fact, very few realize that the skin will absorb practically anything that you put on.  Whatever is put on the skin, will soon find it’s way into the bloodstream.

Knowing this, you can see how showering in water full of chemicals can be extremely counterproductive towards overall health.  Each time you shower, these toxic chemicals are able to penetrate the skin and make their way into your bloodstream!

Not to mention, most people take hot showers which will naturally open up the pores of the skin which allows these chemicals to be more easily absorbed into the blood stream. 

Even the steam created by the shower can become problematic.  This is because many of these chemicals will off gas and mix with the steam.  As this contaminated steam rises, we begin to take it in through our nose, mouth, and then soon into our lungs.

It’s for this reason that cold showers are highly recommended for anyone not using a shower filter.  The cold water will naturally tighten up the pores making it much more difficult for these chemicals to pass through the skin.  Also, there will be no steam produced with cold showers.

The Best Shower Filter for Overall Health

A quick search online will yield thousands of results of shower filters.  Unfortunately, most of the shower filters on the market remove only one particular chemical, while the others are left unaffected.

It’s for this reason that you are going to want to invest in a “multiple stage” shower filtration system.  This gives you the best chance of removing the most amount of chemicals from the water.

It should be mentioned that it’s impossible to remove all chemicals from the water.  For example, the only known way to remove all fluoride from the water is through distillation.  However, a good filtration system can take out the majority of these chemicals and can make a world of difference

Ideally, you would have a whole house water filtration system.  This way every water outlet in your house produces filtered water.  If cost isn’t a problem, this is definitely the way to go.

However, for those not willingly to spend over 2 to 3 thousands dollars on a home filtration system, there are great shower filters that can be purchased that do a great job of removing the majority of harmful chemicals in the water.

In particular, we’ve found The Sonaki Brand Vitamin C Filter to deliver great results. 

However, it will require replacement filters every 3-6 months; depending on how often and how long you shower for.

Shower Filters – The Take Away

Shower filters are highly recommend for anyone wishing to protect themselves from the possible negative effects chemicals in the water supply can have on their health.  Many people are amazed at how well their skin and complexion improves after installing something as simple as a shower filter.

Many are extremely sensitive to these chemicals and are completely unaware of it until they begin to shower with a quality filter.  In our opinion, a quality shower filter is an excellent investment and can do wonders for both the skin and overall health.