Top 10 Juice Recipes for Fast Weight Loss | Juice Me Better

When it comes to fast and effective fat loss, nothing is better than raw green juice!  Luckily, we have the best juice recipes that can blast fat off the body.

However, it’s important that you follow a balanced whole foods diet while juicing.  This will speed up the fat loss process and give better results.  Also, be sure to always use fruit sparingly when creating fat loss juice recipes.  This is because the excess sugar in the fruit can cause insulin spikes which can cause the body to store fat.

As well as following the recipes below, be sure to check out our Juice Me Better Juicing Recipe Book for amazing weight loss recipes!

Top 10 Juice Recipes for Weight Loss

1. The Ginger Blast


  • Small ginger rhizome (size of pinky)
  • 1 Bunch of cilantro
  • 2 Green Leaf Lettuce Stalks
  • 1 whole lemon
  • ½ green apple

Did you Know?

Ginger is an extremely powerful herb with amazing detoxification abilities. It’s perfect for cleansing the body and removing waste.  Research shows that ginger has powerful anti-fungal properties and can help inhibit the growth of pathogenic fungus in the body such as candida (1).

2. Bye Bye Love Handles


  • 1 Bunch of cilantro
  • 8 sticks of celery
  • 2 cucumbers
  • 1 whole lemon
  • ½ red apple

Did you Know?

Cilantro is one of the world’s most powerful heavy metal detoxifiers.  Cilantro is typically used in combination with green algae such as spirulina or chlorella to promote heavy metal detoxification.  Research confirms that cilantro can effectively remove heavy metals from the body which can contribute to disease and disorder (2).

cucumber fat loss

3. The Green Monster


  • 1 Bunch of Parsley
  • 1 Bunch of Cilantro
  • 4 Cucumbers
  • 1 Green Leaf Lettuce Stalk
  • 1 Green apple

Did you Know?

Cucumbers contain powerful anti-parasitic properties.  Many find that juicing cucumber is a fast and effective way to remove unwanted parasites from the body.  Research shows cucumbers are effective at inhibiting the growth of parasitic nematodes in the body (3).

4. Cilantro Breeze


  • 1 Bunch of cilantro
  • 1 Ginger rhizome (size of pinky)
  • 4 Sticks of celery
  • ½ Green apple
  • 3 Carrots

Did you Know?

Carrots are an amazing source of beta-carotene.  Beta-carotene helps several biological functions in the body and is the precursor to vitamin A.  Research shows that carrots have anti-microbial properties and can inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria in the gut (4).

ginger fat loss

5. Orange Squeeze


  • 1 Whole sour orange
  • 5 Carrots
  • 1 Bunch of cilantro
  • 2 Cups of Spinach
  • ¼ of pineapple

Did you Know?

Pineapple contains an enzyme called Bromelain.  This enzyme has the potential for reducing inflammation in the body.  It also helps improve digestion and reduce symptoms of low stomach acid (5).

6. The Fat Blaster


  • 1 Cup of cranberries
  • 4 Sticks of celery
  • 2 Carrots
  • 1 Bunch of cilantro
  • ½ Green apple

Did you Know?

Celery is an excellent source of sodium, magnesium, potassium, and calcium.  It’s one of the best vegetables to juice since it can help improve hydration levels in the body.  Celery has also shown to be a powerful aphrodisiac.

apple fat loss

7. Beetroot Cleanser


  • 2 Whole beets with tops
  • 1 Small ginger rhizome
  • 1 Cup of cranberries
  • Whole orange
  • 1 Bunch of cilantro

Did you Know?

Beets are an amazing source of the compound betaine.  Betaine is essential in order to maintain healthy stomach acid levels.  Research shows that supplemental betaine can improve digestion and increase stomach acid levels in the body (6).

8. Orange Meltdown


  • 1 Whole orange
  • 1 Whole lemon
  • 2 Stalks of red leaf lettuce
  • 3 Carrots
  • 2 Sticks of celery

Did you Know?

Lemons are an excellent source of vitamin c, antioxidants, and beneficial acids.  Lemons help improve digestion and improve detoxification of the body.  In fact, research shows that lemons can help improve blood pressure with daily use (7).

lemon fat loss

9. Cran-Apple Mixer


  • 1 Cup of cranberries
  • Whole green apple
  • 1 Bunch of cilantro
  • ½ of a lemon
  • 2 Stalks of green leaf lettuce

Did you Know?

Although extremely bitter and tart, cranberries are an excellent source of beneficial antioxidants.  Most of the population is deficient in antioxidants that are needed for good health.  Research confirms that antioxidants help protect the body against free radical damage and promotes healthy aging in the body (8).

10. Apple Fat Blaster


  • 1 Whole green apple
  • Whole red apple
  • 1 Whole lemon
  • 1 Bunch of cilantro
  • 2 Stalks of red leaf lettuce

Did you Know?

Green apples are very sour and perfect for boosting health.  Green apples are a rich source of the beneficial compound called malic acid.  Malic acid is needed for several biological processes within the body.  Research shows that malic acid supplementation can help improve energy levels and combats fatigue related conditions (9).

cilantro fat loss