Top 10 Health Benefits of Juicing | Juice Me Better

Juicing is one of the best things you can do for the body.  However, many are still unaware of the amazing health benefits’ juicing brings to the body.  In fact, raw juices are full of essential trace minerals that are often missing in most diets.  Consuming raw juices is the best way to detox your system and kick start your day!

Many report a sense of overall well being and happiness after juicing for several weeks.  Unfortunately, the health benefits of juicing are still not well known among the general population.  There are many reports of individuals healing from chronic disease by simply juicing each day.  Also, weight loss seems to coincide with those who juice daily. 

For those interested in juicing, our review and comparison page of the top juicers on the market can point you in the right direction.  This page contains detailed information on what you need to know before buying a juicer.

With that said, raw juices a far superior than any other health food on the market.  The mineral, vitamin, antioxidant, and phytochemical content is unmatched when compared to any other food. 

Below you will find the top 10 health benefits of consuming raw juices daily!

1. Excellent Source of Trace Minerals

Raw Juices are an excellent source of trace minerals.  The general population is extremely deficient in trace minerals that are required for health.  In fact, it’s been estimated that close to half the population is deficient in magnesium (1).

Raw Juices are an amazing source of trace minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium.  These trace minerals help hydrate the body on the cellular level.  Many will report being less thirsty after consuming raw juices for several weeks.  This is a clear indication the body is being hydrated more fully on the cellular level.

Also, trace minerals act as electrolytes in the body and promote better functionality within the body.  For example, magnesium is needed for over 300 enzymatic processes within the body (2).  Raw juices are the quickest way to replenish depleted mineral stores in the body.  In order to increase the amount of trace minerals in your juice, be sure to use at least 70% dark leafy greens in all of your recipes.

juicing health benefits

2. Contains Powerful Antioxidants

It’s no surprise that raw fruits and vegetables are a powerhouse of antioxidants.  Antioxidants help protect the body from free radical damage and promote healthy aging in the body (3).  However, unlike cooking which destroys the majority of these antioxidants, juicing preserves these antioxidants in their raw form.

Also, juicing allows for an extremely high concentration of antioxidants.  Most raw juices contain over 8 different fruits, vegetables, and herbs in a highly bioavailable raw juice. This causes the body to become saturated in an abundance of antioxidants which protect against disease.  No other food on the planet can compare to the antioxidant content found within a fresh raw juice!

In fact, many of the recipes in our Juice Me Better Juicing Recipe Book are rich in health protecting antioxidants.

3. Reduces Intestinal Inflammation

Intestinal inflammation has become a serious problem among the general population.  Crohn’s, IBS, ulcerative colitis, and leaky gut are all a result of intestinal inflammation (4).  Most suffer from intestinal inflammation due to poor diet and overuse of antibiotics.  Luckily, raw juices can have an amazing healing effect on the intestines.

Raw juices contain no hard to digest fiber or anti-nutrients which can contribute to inflammation in the gut.  As a result, raw juices naturally have a soothing effect on inflamed intestines.  The vitamins and minerals found within raw juices can also repair damage to the digestive lining.  Many find that digestion improves immensely after juicing regularly for several weeks.

4. Fights Candida

Pathogenic overgrowths in the gut such as candida are extremely common among the general population.  Candida overgrowth in the body can cause several disorders in the body, especially poor mental health (5).  Unfortunately, most with a candida overgrowth are completely unaware of their condition.

Bloating, diarrhea, constipation, low stomach acid, and food sensitive/allergies are common symptoms associated with candida overgrowth.  Fortunately, raw juices contain powerful phytochemicals which can help fight against candida.  In particular, herbs are a rich source of phytochemicals.  For this reason, all raw juices should contain at least 10% herbs.  Ginger, cilantro, and parsley are all great herbs for combating candida in the body.

juicing health benefits

5. Improves Mental and Physical Health

Juicing every day is one of the quickest ways to improve mental function.  This is because raw juices contain an abundance of minerals that help power the brain.  Research has shown that a low level of magnesium in the body is associated with several mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety (6).  Luckily, raw green juices are one the best sources of magnesium.

Chlorophyll is also abundant in all raw green juice recipes.  Chlorophyll is identical to human blood and can help fight against disease in the body.  It’s one of the best natural blood builders on the planet!  Chlorophyll can also improve oxygen levels in the body.  An increased oxygen level in the body is often associated with better health.

6. Contains an Abundance of Phytochemicals

As well as being mineral deficient, the majority of the population is also phytochemical deficient.  Phytochemicals have a powerful effect in the body.  Research shows that phytochemicals help reduce inflammation in the body (7).

Phytochemicals also help fight against infection caused by bacteria in the body.  Unfortunately, due to avoidance of fruits and vegetables, many are not obtaining enough phytochemicals.  Luckily, juicing is an efficient and convenient way to boost phytochemical content in the body naturally.

7. Helps to Reduce Stress

Who doesn’t want to experience lower stress levels?  If you find you’re under high amounts of stress, juicing everyday may help.  This is because raw juices contain important vitamins and minerals that help lower stress levels naturally.  In fact, raw green juices are typically extremely high in potassium, magnesium, and calcium.  These three minerals have been shown to be extremely effective at reducing stress levels in the body (8).

Also, consuming raw juices tends to improve the overall health of the body.  This will naturally result in lower stress levels and better mood.  Be sure to consume at least two raw juices a day in order to saturate the body with stress busting nutrients.

juice diet

8. Naturally Energizes the Body

Raw Juice is naturally energizing to the body.  Unlike coffee which causes a crash, raw juice gives the body steady energy throughout the day.  Unlike caffeine, energy from raw juice comes from its high mineral content.

Many find that they no longer need their caffeine “fix” after juicing for several weeks.  In fact, the body will naturally begin to crave the minerals found in raw juice.  This typically results in fewer cravings for caffeine as your body adjusts.  Consuming raw juices every day is the best way to enhance the body’s energy levels naturally.

9. Helps Fight Infection

As mentioned previously, raw juice is an excellent source of chlorophyll.  Chlorophyll is a powerful infection fighter and is excellent for the immune system.  Juicing every single day protects the body from bacteria and viruses which can cause sickness in the body.  In fact, research has shown that chlorophyll can help prevent cancer (9).

Also, raw green juices contain powerful phytochemicals which can help fight infection in the body.  These phytochemicals help neutralize the bacteria or virus causing illness in the body.  Those who juice daily typically find that their immune system becomes stronger.  This results in increased protection against common colds and illnesses.

10. Helps Beautify the Body

There is no denying that juicing daily enhances ones overall beauty.  Many find that their skin begins to glow and their eyes become brighter.  This is because of the high mineral, vitamin, antioxidant, and phytochemical content within in all raw juice.  In fact, it’s not uncommon for others around you to notice these positive changes as well!

For best results, it’s best to consume at least two raw juices a day.  Also, be sure to rotate between different recipes in order to obtain a wide spectrum of nutrients.  This helps build the body from the inside out and often results in radiant health.