Juicing and Seasonal Allergies | The Benefits of Green Juice

Seasonal allergies are a nuisance and can be extremely problematic for some individuals. Each year, those suffering from seasonal allergies experience more intense symptoms.  Many will take an antihistamine only to find out that the antihistamine causes a negative side effect in the body.

The only way to combat seasonal allergies is through the inside out.  This means changing the gut microbiome and balancing the immune system. Once the immune system is properly balanced, seasonal allergies can be reduced.  Interestingly, research shows that our immune system is a reflection of our gut health (1).  If an individual has poor gut health then chances are they will suffer from seasonal allergies.

Luckily, there are natural strategies that can be taken in order to combat seasonal allergies, correct the gut, and balance the immune system.  In particular, juicing is extremely beneficial for combating allergies.  However, before we get into the allergy busting benefits of juicing, let’s first talk about how gut health can influence the onset of seasonal allergies.

Gut Health and Seasonal Allergies

Gut health plays an extremely important role when it comes to seasonal allergies.  This is because bad gut bacteria can produce toxins in the gut which can trigger symptoms related to seasonal allergies.  Poor diet and overuse of antibiotics can all contribute to poor gut health.

In fact, research has shown that some bacteria in the gut are responsible for producing histamine in the gut.  This excess histamine in combination with the natural pollen that occurs during seasonal changes can overwhelm the body.  It’s for this reason that anti-histamines can work well for those with seasonal allergies.

Unfortunately, anti-histamines do not get to the root cause of the problem.  The only way to combat seasonal allergies is to change the terrain of microbiome.  In order to do this a gut healing diet must be followed.

Below are the best foods for correcting imbalances within the gut microbiome.

  • High quality grass fed animal foods
  • Raw Juices
  • Herbs such as ginger, turmeric, parsley, cilantro
  • Sea salt (natural anti-histamine and anti-bacterial properties)
  • Carefully prepared grains (sprouted or fermented)
  • Bone Broth (high in histamine)
  • Small amounts of fermented foods (typically high in histamine)
  • Daily Raw Carrot (natural antibiotic)

Also, foods such as sugar, vegetable oil, packaged foods, and refined grains need to be removed from the diet.  This will allow the gut to naturally balance out and will diminish the amount of bad bacteria which can cause seasonal allergies.

pollen allergies

High Histamine foods and Seasonal Allergies

For those unaware, histamine is a neurotransmitter produced by the body that is needed for several different biological processes.  Typically, histamine does not pose any health problems.  However, those with seasonal allergies may have an overgrowth of bacteria in the gut that produce histamine.

Consequently this can overwhelm the body with histamine and it will not be able to detox the excess histamine fast enough.  As a result, symptoms associated with seasonal allergies can result.

For this reason, until the gut is properly balanced, high histamine foods should be avoided.  Once the gut is balanced, high histamine foods can typically be added back into the diet without issue. 

Below is a list of high histamine foods that should be avoided until the gut is balanced.

  • Bananas
  • Fermented Foods (could be OK for some)
  • Avocados
  • Gelatin or Bone Broth (could be OK for some)
  • Fish
  • Alcohol
  • Aged meats and cheese
  • Chocolate
  • Nuts

Although it may seem impossible to avoid all these foods, it really isn’t that hard.  After a month of removing these foods, they can slowly be reintroduced into the diet to see how the body will react.  Just be sure to introduce one at a time so you know exactly how your body will respond.

Raw Juicing for Seasonal Allergies

Raw Juicing can be amazing for combating seasonal allergies in the body.  This is because raw juices effectively modify the terrain of the gut in a positive manner and allow the production of good bacteria to flourish.  This results in less bad bacteria and less histamine producing bacteria.  As a result, juicing everyday is an excellent strategy for combating seasonal allergies naturally.

Dark leafy greens make the best raw juices.  This is because dark leafy greens are extremely high in the healing pigment chlorophyll.  Also, leafy greens do not contain sugar which can trigger the growth of bad bacteria in the gut.  As a result, all juice recipes should be 70% dark leafy greens, 20% fruits, and 10% herbs.  This ratio yields the absolute best possible results and can help combat seasonal allergies.

Chlorophyll is extremely healing when it comes to dysfunction in the body.  In fact, this bright green pigment is extremely similar to human blood.  It’s for this reason that many find that chlorophyll is a potent blood purifier and detoxifies the body extremely well.

Also, several herbs such as ginger and cilantro have anti-fungal properties which can help lower histamine producing bacteria in the gut such as candida (2).  Including at least 10% herbs in all your juice recipes is extremely important for combating seasonal allergies naturally.

juicing for seasonal allergies

Magnesium and Seasonal Allergies

Another component of allergies due to seasonal changes is low levels of magnesium in the body.  Research shows that individuals with low levels of magnesium are more prone to developing seasonal allergies (3).  As a result, boosting magnesium levels in the body can be very beneficial.

This is because magnesium is essential in order to produce Diamine Oxidase (DAO).  DAO helps in the breakdown of excess histamine in the body (4).  Consequently, being low in magnesium can result in high histamine levels which can contribute to seasonal allergies.

Luckily, all raw green juices will contain high amounts of magnesium.  This is because dark leafy greens contain extremely high amounts of the mineral magnesium.  Also, many of the recipes in our Juice Me Better Juicing Recipe Book are extremely high in magnesium.

The Importance of Herbs

Herbs are extremely important when trying to combat seasonal allergies.  This is because herbs contain anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties which can help reduce the number of histamine producing bacteria in the gut.

Herbs such as ginger, cilantro, parsley, and watercress are all excellent for juicing.  It’s imperative that all green juice recipes contain at least 10% herbs.  Not juicing herbs puts the body at a serious disadvantage when comes to overcoming seasonal allergies.  Although raw greens are excellent, the addition of herbs truly makes a powerful healing juice.

herbs for seasonal allergies

Finding the Right Home Juicer

If you’re new to juicing, buying a home juicer is the first step that can help you regain your health.  However, not all juicers are the same and some are of much better qualities than others.  For this reason, we highly recommend that you review our comparison and buyers guide page.  This page will inform you of the different types of juicers and which one is best for your budget.

Although a home juicer can be a big investment, its benefits that it can bring to the body are priceless.  Also, many juicers last several years if properly cared for.  In fact, some juicers can last well past 20 years!

With that said, juicing is a powerful tool for combating seasonal allergies.  It’s also excellent for overall health and preventing disease in the body.