Top 6 Ways Juicing Helps Boost Detoxification | Juice Me Better

Juicing is one the best ways to naturally detoxify the body.  Due to our toxic environment in which we live, it’s mandatory that we have a detoxification plan in place.  Juicing is an excellent strategy for removing waste from the body and restoring mineral stores.  Unfortunately, many are unaware of the powerful detoxification capabilities of fresh raw juices.

For those new to juicing, our comparison and buyers guide page can help you find the best juicer no matter your budget. 

Also, be sure to read our page on why juicing is essential in today’s world.

Consuming 2-3 raw juices a day puts the body in a better position to remove toxic build up and promotes healing in the body.  In fact, it’s not uncommon to feel worse when you begin juicing.  This is called a “healing crisis” and is a result of toxic waste being dumped into the body.

The best way to counteract these negative symptoms is to keep the lymphatic system moving.  This means moving the body regularly, and if possible, rebounding on a small trampoline.  This helps the elimination process and speeds up recovery.

With that said below you will find 6 ways in which raw juices help detoxify the body and promote health.

Top 6 Ways Juicing Detoxifies the Body

1. Chlorophyll and Detoxification

All dark leafy greens contain high amounts of Chlorophyll.  This green pigment is extremely therapeutic towards the body and is similar to human blood.  Consuming high amounts of chlorophyll is the quickest way to build the blood.  It also helps oxygenate the body which can lead to better overall health.

Research shows that high doses of chlorophyll can combat cancerous tumors in various different organs (1).  Luckily, raw green juices are an excellent source of this amazing pigment.  Also, unlike raw greens which can cause digestive issues, raw green juice is free from fiber and extremely easy on the digestive system.  The chlorophyll found in these juices is immediately absorbed by the body.

Whenever creating a juice recipe, it’s important that you always use dark leafy greens as your base.  At least 70% of all raw juices need to contain dark leafy greens.  The other 30% percent should contain fruits and herbs.  This ratio is best for detoxification and will not spike glucose levels in the body.

chlorophyll detox

2. Juice Fasting Induces Macrophage

Macrophage is a process that the body goes into during periods of fasting.  When this occurs, the body begins to engulf and digest foreign cells in the body such as cancer (2).  It’s for this reason that fasting is the most powerful detoxification tool one can utilize.

However, juice fasting can also induce macrophage.  As long as the calories are kept low and the majority of the juice is dark green leafy greens, the body will still enter into macrophage.  Juice fasting is a great option for those looking to get the health benefits of traditional fasting without completely abstaining from nourishment.

Although juice fasting is a powerful tool, we do not advise long term juice fasting.  1-2 days of juice fasting is more than enough for detoxification.  There are several essential vitamins that raw juices do not contain which is why long term juice fasting is not advised.

3. Juicing Reduces SIBO

Small intestinal bacteria overgrowth is a serious problem among the general population.  Many who suffer from this condition do not even realize that have an intestinal overgrowth.  Small intestinal bacteria overgrowth such as candida causes many different symptoms in the body, many of which that aren’t related to the digestive system.

Juicing herbs such as ginger, cilantro, and parsley are excellent for combating SIBO in the gut.  Herbs such as ginger contain powerful phytochemicals which can help inhibit the growth of several bacterial and fungal species in the gut (3).  As a result, all raw juices should contain at least 10% herbs.  Herbs will help detoxify the digestive tract and combat any overgrowths that may be negatively affecting health.

In fact, many of the recipes in our Juice Me Better Juicing Recipe Book can be great for those suffering from bacterial and fungal overgrowths in the gut.

leafy greens detox

4. Gives your Digestive System a Break

As mentioned before, detoxification starts when you stop eating.  This is mainly due to the fact that the digestive does not have to break down a constant intake of food.  This allows the body to devote all of its attention to cleaning up and detoxifying itself.

Unlike eating food which requires the body to produce energy in order to break down food, raw juice takes no digestive effort.  Yet, the body still receives nourishment as it would from food.  This is extremely unique because the body is able to receive an abundance of nourishment without having to devote digestive energy.  As mentioned before, this saved energy will then be used to detoxify the body on both the physical and cellular level.

5. Provides High Amounts of Trace Minerals

No other food on the planet can provide the amount of trace minerals that raw green juices provide.  Raw green juice are full of calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium.  These minerals help boost the body’s overall health and speed up the body’s detoxification pathways.

In fact, many health experts believe that mineral deficiencies are the main cause of disease in the body.  As a result, the more minerals you can give the body, the better.  Also, unlike synthetic vitamin and mineral supplements that can be tainted with heavy metals, the trace minerals found in raw juice are organic (4).  These organic trace minerals are highly bioavailable by the body and immediately absorbed.

6. Juicing helps you Lose Weight

It’s no surprise that juicing can help you lose weight.  However, many are unaware that weight loss also coincides with a less toxic body.  This is because toxins are typically trapped inside body fat stores.  When we lose weight and begin to burn fat, these toxins naturally become unbound and they get pushed out of the body through either the urine or the bowels.

Once this fat is shed from the body, toxins from either food or the environment are not as easily stored due to a lower body fat percentage.  Luckily, juicing can not only help you lose weight, but it also helps keep the weight off.  This results in a less toxic and healthier body.

weight loss juicing


Juicing is an amazing tool for detoxifying the body.  Anyone interested in health, trying to lose weight, or clean the body of toxins can benefit from juicing.  Juicing every single day is the best way to get the detoxification benefits.  Also, always remember to use the following ratio whenever making a juice recipe.

  • 70% dark leafy greens
  • 20% fruits
  • 10% herbs

This ratio will yield the best results and is perfect for detoxification purposes.  Below is a quick recap of how juicing helps detoxify the body

  • High in blood building chlorophyll
  • Helps to induce macrophage
  • Fight against small intestinal bacteria overgrowth (SIBO)
  • Provides high amounts of trace minerals
  • Gives the digestive system a break and promotes natural detoxification pathways
  • Helps burn fat and release toxins within the fat stores