Juicing vs. Smoothies | Which is the Better Option for Health?

When it comes to juicing and smoothies, both are very healthy.  However, depending on individual health goals, one may be better suited for you than the other. 

Whichever you decide, both can offer immense health benefits to the body.  Many have healed themselves from serious disease and illness in the body by incorporating juicing into their daily routine.  On the contrary, there are numerous accounts of individuals becoming stronger and more vital after introducing raw smoothies into their diet.

In this post we will lay out the pros and cons of both juicing and smoothies so that you can decide which is best for your current health goals.

The Health Benefits of Juicing


Juicing is an amazing source of hard to get trace minerals and raw enzymes.  Close to the entire population is deficient in trace minerals and suffers from various disorders in the body as a result.  In fact, noble prize winning Linus Pauling once theorized that every disease can be traced back to a mineral deficiency.  This is because trace minerals run numerous biological processes within the body.

Luckily, consuming raw juices every day is the best way to combat mineral deficiencies in the body.  In particular, dark leafy greens are extremely abundant in magnesium.  This mineral is required for over 300 processes in the body and is crucial for general well being and health.  Several studies show that magnesium deficiency is associated with mental health problems such as anxiety and depression (1).

Unfortunately, close to half of the general population is deficient in magnesium (2).  It’s for this reason that fresh raw green juices can be extremely healing to the body.

Also, juicing contains no fiber.  Those with digestive disorder often struggle with fiber found in plant foods.  Those suffering from irritable bowel syndrome are notorious for not handling fiber well.  Luckily, juicing effectively removes the fibrous material found in plant foods and is extremely soothing to the gut lining.

Furthermore, raw green juices contains no anti-nutrients.  Anti-nutrients are present in all plant foods and can hinder absorption of key minerals in the gut.  However, juicing effectively removes these anti-nutrients found in plant foods.  As a result, raw juices are extremely bioavailable and easily absorbed by the body.

For those new to juicing, our buyers guide and comparison page is great for anyone looking for an affordable home juicer. 

juicing vs smoothies


Although juicing is typically extremely healthy, there are a few downfalls that need to be addressed.  As mentioned before, juicing removes the fiber.  This is great for individuals with digestive disorders but not ideal for a healthy gut microbiome.  This is because fiber helps feed the good gut bacteria in the gut (3).

If no additional fiber is added into the diet, it could negatively influence the gut microbiome.  Keeping our gut healthy is essential since the majority of our immune system is a reflection the health of our gut (4).

Also, those new to juicing tend to juice too many fruits.  Juices that contain high amounts of fruit will spike glucose levels in the body due to the removal of the fruit fiber.  Sugary juices can also disrupt normal gut function by feeding the bad bacteria in the gut.  It’s for this reason that all juices should be primarily dark leafy greens and herbs.

Lastly, juicing can be extremely expensive.  A typical juice recipe contains between 7-9 fruits and vegetables.  If you consume 2-3 raw juices a day, this can quickly add up.


  • Excellent source of trace minerals
  • Easy on the digestive system
  • Great for inflamed intestines (IBS)
  • Highly bioavailable and absorbable
  • Contains no anti-nutrients
  • Contains no fiber
  • Can cause blood sugar spikes if too much fruit is used
  • Can be expensive

jucing for helth

The Health Benefits of Smoothies


Smoothies offer amazing health benefits.  Unlike raw juices which are typically low in calories, smoothies can act as a meal replacements.  This is great for weight loss and curbing appetite.  Also, like juicing, smoothies are an excellent source of trace minerals and vitamins.

Depending on the ingredients, most smoothies will contain an abundance of calcium, magnesium, and potassium.  These three minerals are vital for overall health and well being of the body.  Being low on these minerals, or any trace minerals, will lead to several health issues.

Also, smoothies are extremely unique since there is no limit on what you can blend.  Unlike juicing that only uses fresh produce; a smoothie recipe can incorporate almost anything.   This makes for amazing recipes and can satisfy any palate.

Smoothies are also full of fiber.  This fiber can help keep the bowels regular and feeds the good bacteria in the gut.  This results in a healthier microbiome and overall better health.

Many report being less hungry and an increased ability to lose weight.  This is because of the high amount of fiber.  Fiber helps keep the body full so that mindless eating does not occur.


There are several issues that arise with regular smoothie consumption.  For one, all smoothies will be extremely high in mineral robbing anti-nutrients (5).  As a result, even though a smoothie will contain an abundance of vitamins and minerals, absorption can be extremely low.  Even those with strong digestion will struggle with the anti-nutrient load present in smoothies.

Also, smoothies contain fiber.  This can be good or bad depending on your health condition.  However, those with inflamed intestines and digestive disorders will struggle with the high fiber content of smoothies.  It’s for this reason that juicing is a better option for those with conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome.

Furthermore, smoothies are typically calorie dense.  Drinking all these calories without chewing is extremely counterproductive for good digestion.  This is because amylase, an enzyme produced in the saliva when we chew, will be absence during the digestive breakdown of a smoothie.  Amylase helps to break down food more completely in the stomach.  When this enzyme is missing, digestion will suffer and symptoms such as bloating and fullness may result.  Unless you thoroughly chew your smoothie, digestion will inevitably suffer.


  • Acts as a meal replacement
  • Great for weight loss
  • Endless amount of recipe ideas
  • Great source of fiber
  • High amount of anti-nutrients
  • Can bind to minerals in the gut
  • Could be problematic for those with digestive disorders
  • Can hinder digestion (lack of chewing)

smoothies vs juicing


Both fresh raw juices and smoothies can be great for overall health.  However, we’ve found that juicing in combination with a whole foods diet is extremely healing towards the body.  Raw juices are very gentle on the body and contain an abundance of easily absorbable trace minerals.  In fact, it was for this reason that we created our Juice Me Better Juicing Recipe Book.

Smoothies can also be extremely beneficial.  However, the anti-nutrient content found within raw smoothies can be problematic for many.  If smoothies are made chunky and properly chewed, digestion can improve dramatically.  This is because the enzyme amylase is produced when we chew our food.

In our opinion, fresh raw juice in combination with a whole food diet promotes amazing health in the body.   Smoothies can be enjoyed occasionally, but should not be consumed in the same manner as you would with fresh raw juice.  There is no other food on the planet that can compare to fresh raw green juice!