The Top 20 Fruits and Vegetables for Juicing | Juice Me Better

When looking for the best fruits and vegetables to juice, there are a few key factors that you need to look for.  Fruits and vegetables with little to no water content do not juice well at all.  Choosing produce rich in water content such as celery, cucumbers, apples, oranges, dark leafy greens, and fresh herbs are excellent for juicing.

Also, sugar content needs to be kept low in all your juice recipes.  Juices that incorporate too many sugary fruits can spike blood sugar levels in the body due to the removal of the fiber.  All raw juices should be at least 70% dark leafy greens and 30% fruit and herbs.  Follow the ratio below in order to achieve the best possible health.

  • 70% dark leafy greens
  • 20% fruits
  • 10% herbs

Using this ratio for all your juice recipes can lead to better detoxification and will not spike blood sugar levels in the body. This will lead to better overall health and can naturally slow down the aging process.

For low sugar juice recipes, be sure to check out our Juice Me Better Juicing Recipe Book for delicious and healthy juices.

With that said, below are the top 20 best fruits and vegetables for juicing!

The Top 20 Best Fruits and Vegetables for Juicing

1. Wheatgrass

Wheatgrass is by far the best thing you can juice.  It’s one of the highest sources of chlorophyll in the world.  Chlorophyll helps build the blood and oxygenates the body.  This leads to a healthier and more vibrant body.

Chlorophyll is also excellent for fighting against various diseases in the body such as cancer (1).  Wheatgrass is a rich source of trace minerals and vitamins.  In fact, many take wheatgrass to help restore depleted mineral stores in the body.  There is no other fruit or vegetable on the planet that can compare to the health benefits of fresh raw wheatgrass juice.

Unfortunately, wheatgrass is usually only sold in health food stores.  For this reason, many grow their own wheatgrass.  Wheatgrass growing kits can be bought at almost any health food store and are extremely convenient for those who want the health benefits of fresh wheatgrass daily.

wheatgrass juice

2. Dandelion Greens

Fresh dandelion greens are an excellent green to juice.  Dandelion greens are a wild green and contain high amounts of medicinal properties.

Studies show that dandelion greens are excellent for the health of the liver (2).  Keeping your liver clean and healthy is essential in today’s world due to the abundance of pollution.  Using dandelion greens as the base of your green juice is excellent for detoxification purposes.

3. Chard

Chard is a high mineral green that goes well in any green juice recipe.  This dark leafy green contains an abundance of calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

Both calcium and magnesium are needed for several biological processes in the body.  Being deficient in either of these minerals can lead to serious health consequences.

4. Beets Root and Tops

Both beets and their tops are excellent for juicing.  Beets contain betaine which helps in digestion and the formation of stomach acid (3).

Beets are also excellent for building the blood.  Many find fresh raw beet juice helps prevent sickness and can combat various blood disorders.  Both beets and their tops are an excellent source of magnesium.

beets juicing

5. Cranberry

Many shy away from cranberries due their bitter and sour taste.  However, cranberries can make an excellent addition to any juice recipe.

Many studies show that cranberries can lower risk of urinary tract infections, boost the immune system, and prevent various types of cancer (4).

6. Pineapple

There is no juice recipe that pineapples do not go well with.  Pineapples can help boost the flavor and enhance the taste of any green juice.

Pineapples contain the enzyme Bromelain which helps reduce inflammation and improve digestion in the body (5).

7. Kale

Kale is an excellent source of calcium, magnesium and folate.  This dark leafy green also contains b-vitamins that can naturally boost energy levels in the body.

Kale is an excellent source of vitamin c which boosts immune system health and protects against illness.

kale juicing

8. Spinach

Fresh raw spinach is one of the highest sources of organic magnesium in the world.  Magnesium is needed for over 300 enzymatic processes in the body (6).  Unfortunately, over half the population is deficient in this vital mineral.

Juicing spinach daily is an excellent strategy for boosting magnesium levels in the body.  It also provides the body with an abundance of trace minerals.

9. Ginger

Fresh ginger goes well in any green juice you can think of.  Ginger can help reduce inflammation in the body and improve digestion dramatically.

Ginger also contains several medicinal properties which can inhibit the growth of pathogenic overgrowths in the gut such as candida (7).

10. Cilantro

Cilantro has powerful chelation properties making it perfect for heavy metal detoxification.  Its light flavor goes well in all green juice recipes.

Cilantro is an extremely powerful detoxifying agent and should be used freely on all your favorite raw juices.

11. Green Apples

Green Apples in particular are an excellent source of malic acid.  Malic acid is excellent for combating various disorders in the body such as chronic fatigue and low energy (8).

Also, green apples are lower in sugar than red apples and are perfect for keeping blood sugar levels low.

apple juicing

12. Parsley

Parsley is an amazing herb that can offer immense health benefits.  This herb has several antifungal and antibacterial properties which can protect the body against pathogens.

It’s also a rich source of antioxidants which help protect the body against free radical damage and aging.

13. Red Leaf Lettuce

Red leaf lettuce contains an abundance of trace minerals needed for optimal health.  It has a much higher mineral content than compared to typical green leaf lettuce.

Juicing red leaf lettuce daily is an excellent way to obtain high amounts of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

14. Cucumbers

Cucumbers are an amazing vegetable which can provide numerous health benefits to the body.  The mineral silica is abundant in all cucumbers. 

This mineral is extremely beneficial for the elasticity of the skin (9).  Cucumbers also contain anti-parasitic properties making it perfect for detoxification.

15. Carrots

Juicing carrots alone makes a wonderful tasting juice.  Carrots are a rich source of beta-carotene which is a precursor to vitamin A. 

Many find that carrots improve their skin quality.  Carrots are said to offer protection against degeneration of the eyes due to their high beta-carotene content.

carrots juicing

16. Oranges

Oranges are a fairly low sugar fruit and are a rich source of vitamin c.  Vitamin c helps strengthen the immune and reduces the likelihood of becoming sick.

Be sure to juice the whole orange with the peel still intake.  Most of the antioxidants are found in the peels of oranges.

17. Celery

Celery acts a potent aphrodisiac in the body and is great for individuals with a low sex drive.  This vegetable is extremely hydrating to the body and contains the perfect ratio of potassium, magnesium, calcium, and sodium.

It’s highly advised that at least 2-3 stalks of celery are incorporated into all of you juice recipes.  This can dramatically improve hydration levels in the body.

18. Arugula

Like dandelion greens, arugula contains powerful medicinal properties.  It’s a rich source of phytochemicals which can help protect against various disease.

Arugula contains high amounts of potassium, manganese, iron, and calcium.  Arugula is a bit spicy so a little will go a long way.


Tomatoes are a rich source of lycopene. Lycopene is considered by most health experts to be the most powerful antioxidant in the world.

Scientists have found that lycopene may have the ability delay or protect against cataracts (10).  It’s also great for protecting against inflammation in the body.

grapefruit juicing

19. Grapefruit

Grapefruit is loaded full of vitamin c and is extremely low in sugar.  Grapefruits go excellent with any type of green juice recipe and are loaded full of the powerful antioxidant lycopene.

Many find that juicing grapefruit daily helps expedite weight loss in the body.

20. Mint

Mint is a wonderful herb to incorporate into any raw juice. This herb is extremely cooling to the body and helps reduce inflammation.  It’s also loaded full of anti-fungal and anti-parasitic properties.  Mint can also help improve a sluggish digestive system and helps soothe any intestinal inflammation.