Suffering from IBS? How Juicing Every Day can Help

Irritable Bowel Syndrome, or IBS, is a growing problem among the general population.  Poor diet, overuse of antibiotics, and lack of essential nutrients is the main cause of IBS.  Unfortunately, many suffer from IBS needlessly even though this disease can be reversed naturally.

In fact, most opt for harmful IBS medications which the make the problem worse in the long run.  The only way to truly reverse IBS is through proper diet.  This means all inflammatory foods must be dropped from the diet.  Also, juicing raw fruits and vegetables is essential if you wish to expedite the recovery process.  

Following a whole foods diet based around natural foods is the best way to re-establish the microbiome and reduce the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.  Below is a small list of inflammatory foods that need to be removed from the diet of IBS sufferers.

  • Vegetable oils (corn, safflower, canola, grape seed)
  • Packaged Foods
  • Fried Foods
  • Sugar
  • Grains
  • Nuts and Seeds

What Causes IBS?

The cause of irritable bowel syndrome is extremely simply, yet many are confused on the issue.  Inflammation of the intestines is the sole cause of IBS.  Inflammation in the intestines is a direct result of diet.  Foods high in phytic acid such as grains, nuts, and seeds, can contribute to intestinal inflammation and IBS (1).

Also, as mentioned before, overuse of antibiotics can cause negative changes in the gut microbiome.  This results in poor gut health and the likelihood of developing small intestinal bacteria overgrowth increases.

Interestingly, those who suffer from IBS almost always suffer from a candida overgrowth in the gut (2).  Candida is a form of small intestinal bacteria overgrowth (SIBO) and causes several negative digestive symptoms.

As a result, re-establishing the gut is the best way to reverse irritable bowel syndrome naturally.  There are two strategies everyone with IBS should focus on.

  • Eating a Whole Foods Diet
  • Juicing at least 2-3 times day

foods for IBS

How Juicing Helps IBS

Raw Juices are amazing for IBS.  They contain loads of trace minerals that are needed to promote repair in the intestines.  Also, raw juices contain no fiber.  Fiber is extremely problematic for IBS sufferers and can make the condition much worse.

Raw juices are also full of antioxidants which help protect the body against free radical damage (3).  Consuming at least 2 raw juices a day in combination with a whole foods diet is the best way to combat IBS.  Also, all raw green juices contain an abundance of chlorophyll.  Chlorophyll is the green pigment found within all dark leafy greens and is extremely healing towards the body.

Chlorophyll has the unique ability to build the blood, oxygenate the body, and remove waste product from the body.  In fact, the chlorophyll in wheat grass is excellent for IBS suffers and has been scientifically tested and proven to work (4).

For this reason, many find that using fresh wheat grass in all their juice recipes is extremely effective at boosting overall health and reducing symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

The Best Types of Juices for IBS

Not all raw juices are created equal.  Raw juices that contain mostly sweet fruit are going to be extremely inflammatory to the intestinal tract.  This is counterproductive for those with IBS.

All juice recipes should follow the ratio below.  This ratio gives the best results for detoxification and is excellent for IBS.

  • 70% Dark Leafy Greens
  • 20% Fruits
  • 10% Herbs

Dark leafy greens need to make up majority of all your juice recipes.  Unlike fruits, dark leafy greens contain high amounts of chlorophyll.  Also, they contain no sugar and will not spike glucose levels.  Many make the mistake of juicing too many fruits when trying to improve IBS.  This can cause more intestinal inflammation and symptoms due to the high sugar content.  Consequently, fruit should only be added to taste.  Once the intestinal inflammation reduces, fruit can be consumed freely.

best herbs for IBS

Make sure you Juice Herbs

Make sure you juice at least one herb in all of your juice recipes.  Herbs are an excellent source of phytochemicals and medicinal properties.  Herbs can help tremendously in reducing the symptoms associated with IBS.

In fact, cilantro can help eliminate a candida overgrowth (5).  As mentioned before, candida is highly common in those with IBS.  The best herbs to juice are ginger, cilantro, and parsley.  These herbs have an extremely healing effect on the body and go great in all juice recipes.

As a rule of thumb, 10% of all juice recipes should contain herbs. Without the incorporation of herbs, healing will occur at a much slower rate.

IBS and Juice Fasting

Juice fasting is a great strategy for those with IBS.  This gives the digestive system a much needed break and can reduce inflammation significantly.  Also, consuming only raw green juice for a short period of time provides the body with an abundance of trace minerals needed for repair.  Many trace minerals in raw green juice such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium are deficient in the majority of the population.

Juice fasting for more than 2 days is not beneficial.  Fruits and vegetables do not contain several essential vitamins required for health.  As a result, juice fasting long term is not advisable.  Also, always consult with a medical professional before embarking on any type of juice fast.

How to start Juicing

Those suffering from IBS need to consider juicing.  It’s hands down the most powerful tool when it comes to reducing intestinal inflammation. For those new to juicing, you can read our comparison and buyers guide page for the best juicers on any budget.

Although purchasing a quality juicer can be expensive, this investment will only benefit your health.  Also, many juicers have an extremely long shelf life.  Some juicer can last up to 20 years if properly cared for!

There is absolutely no excuse for not being able to consume fresh raw green juices each day.  If you’re serious about your health, you need to consider investing in a juicer.  A home juicer also gives you the freedom of being able to create healing recipes based on your individual needs.  Don’t waste money on raw juice from the store.

juicing for IBS

Other Helpful Tip for IBS sufferers

As well as juicing every day, there are also various tips that can help reduce irritable bowel syndrome symptoms.  As well as following the tips below, our Juice Me Better Juicing Recipe Book can be a great resource for those suffering from IBS.

1. Avoid Packaged Foods

Packaged foods contain dietary emulsifiers. Research shows that dietary emulsifiers cause inflammation and can contribute to metabolic dysfunction (6).  Avoid packaged foods at all costs.

2. Drop the Sugar

Processed sugar is the worst thing for IBS.  Sugar feeds the bad bacteria in the gut and can cause IBS symptoms.  You need to cut out all processed sugar in order to reduce symptoms of IBS.

3. Eat Fermented Foods

Fermented foods such as sauerkraut are a great source of prebiotics and probiotics.  These probiotics help crowd out the bad bacteria in the gut can combat irritable bowel syndrome. Be sure to take it slow with fermented foods in the beginning. Some may react negatively to fermented foods depending on the health of the microbiome.

4. Move Daily

Make sure you move daily. There is no need for intense exercise or pouring buckets of sweat.  The goal is to stimulate the lymphatic system in as gentle of a ways as possible. This will help remove toxins and can lower symptoms associated with IBS.  Walking, gardening, stretching, and deep breathing are all excellent for the lymphatic system.